shadowbrand Medalions
Boulderton sign
logos for conventions
add links to items to items and effects.
danger den should have countdown and link to the schedule page.
add larube hall details
upload faction guide/fix gnoll glutton
all of branch - get files from beren. order mixam copies.
paragon guide - get files from beren. update constellations. Order mixam copy.
print and play games order NPC BOx PC box x15 surgery and gathering cards
deliver Ren allofbranch zine, Character sheets bookmark Sherri 2x boxed set contents beren boxed set matt boxed set date boxed set
Positive only response
What are the 3 main crafting skill put this in gathering description
add photos for staff
update surgery charts
crestfallen rulebook needs rulebook on the cover
specify that game is in southwestern pa
Character Usability Test
Rocket surgery made easy
Printed Rulebooks in stores