The most important thing for this game is being welcoming and understanding. Let me know if there is anything that I can do to help with that feeling.
Next game is on March 7. We play twice a month from around 6:30 to 9. We cancel if more than one person cannot make it.
Voice and Video(Discord)
Voice and video in discord. Feel free to have your video on or off. Scott will have video on.
Characters Sheets
Characters are tracked individually however you see fit. Send Scott a sheet periodically.
Dice can be done however you prefer.
House Rules
- Minimal Tracking of Encumberance.
- 4d6 and assign
- starting gear by the book
- we are keeping track of ammo?
Battlemaps(Owlbear Rodeo)
Battlemaps in Owlbear Rodeo but for some of the game we will not need battlemaps.
The notes are crucial due to the infrequency of our play. We are going to take notes collaboratively as a group as we go. The notes need to be good enough that if somebody misses a game, they can read the notes and catch up. Taking notes is a part of the play, it isn’t something we do the next day and all of this has fallen out of our mind.
Off Limits Stuff
- Hardcore sex
- explicit drug use
If anything gets out of hand message Scott and we can work it out. Sometimes you will not realize you are uncomfortable until it’s gone a little further than you would prefer. We will back up, we’ll figure it out.
Paper handouts, references and props at Sam’s place or can be mailed to you.
- Setting Information
- An Elegy to the First World
- The Origins of Dragons
- Mitra Lion of Justice
- What you know about your Uncle Valin
Rules References
- Paladin Rules Reference phb 82 to 88
- Artificer Rules Reference
- Wizard Rules Reference
- Fighter/Samurai Rules Refrence
- Combat_quick_guide
- Dungeons and Dragons Basic Rules hardcopy –beyond–
Poster Maps
GM Notes
— Stopped reviewing notes at 43:53 –
Would I be allowed to look at the setting more, to see more detailed info about Alfheim and the Republic?, what’s the king’s name? Where does he live in the forest? How long has he ruled? Would he, like, perhaps know I have noble blood, or have even heard of me before I go to see him? Maybe that’s part of why I can do divination magic, is noble blood, idk.
dnd make zine of palladin rules from
elgato green screen