| Jan 1, 0001
Name: Arrick Goldheart Alignment: Neutral good Race: Rock Gnome Class: Wizard Level: 8 Name: Arrick Goldheart
Str: 17      
DEX 18      
WIS 11      
CON 16      
INT 21      
CHA 12      


AC: 4


Max 43 Current 43

Armor Class

4 Magical Robes +2

Saving Throws

Roll Over these. These do not change till level 11

Saving Throw Roll Under
Paraze /Poison/DM 13
Rod, Staff or Wand 9
Petrify/ Polymorph 11
Breath Weapon 13
Spells 10


Weapon #AT Attack Adj/DMg Adj THACO Damage Range
Base 18
Sling 2 16 1d6+1
Dagger 1 18 1d4
Thrown Dagger 2 16 1d4 10/20/30

Special Abilities

  • The Curse of St Cuthbert
  • Frank’s Pact
  • Mental State
  • Languages
    • Ancient Elvish
    • Demonic
  • Perception (13)
  • Immune all 1/2/3
  • Infravision 60 Feet
  • Know Curse
  • Gnome Mining
    • Detect grade or slope in passage 1-6 on 1d6
    • Detect unsafe walls, ceiling and floors 1-7 on 1d10
    • Determine approximate depth underground 1-4 on 1d6
    • Determine approximate direction underground 1-3 on 1d6
  • +1 to hit vs Kobalds and Goblins

Nonweapon Proficiencies

(Roll Under Stat and modifier combination)

  • Magical Lore/history (INT)
  • Spellcraft (INT/-2)
  • Disguise(/)
  • Navigation(INT)
  • Gemcuttting()
  • Mining()
  • Engineering()
  • Tinkering()
  • Herbalism()


  • 1st: 8
  • 2nd: 5
  • 3rd: 6
  • 4th: 4
